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    The scorpions


Les scorpions

Lucien Berland (1945) - 207 p. Les Livres de la Nature- Éditions Stock

An old book, with some passages where information is rather comic. But as a whole, an interesting work to see the evolution of the interest carried to the scorpions. 10 drawings illustrate the pages which, for the epoch was a good approach but which now lack of knowledge..

Les scorpions, Biologie, Élevage

Gérard Dupré, Nicole Lambert & Gérard Philippe (1998). 84 P. Edition Philippe Gérard-ISBN 2-912521-06-8

The only book on the scorpions breeding in French. Ideal for the beginner seeking the bases before starting in the adventure. One learns there how a scorpion is made, which it is necessary to maintain it and, which species can be appropriate to the beginners. The few cards of breeding will make the happiness of those which did not find informations elsewhere.

Guide des Mille-Pattes, Arachnides et Insectes de la régions méditerranéenne.

Joachim & Hiroko Haupt (1993). 357 p. Editions Delachaux & Niestlé - ISBN 2-603-00905-2

A very good guide, with all small animals which one can find and see when we search scorpions. Very useful but with the 10 pages devoted to our dear Arachnida it's not enough. However, one finds in, almost all the scorpions living all around the Mediterranean basin, such as for example Mesobuthus gibbosus of Greece, or Nebo hierichonticus of Isarël.

Faune de Madagascar 87 Scorpions(Chelicerata, Scorpiones)

Wilson R. Lourenço (1996). 105 p. Edition Faune de Madagascar.

All what you want for identified a specimen which comes from this island (Madagascar). We can see how many beautiful the fauna of this land is, and so much diversified. Beautiful boards illustrate the various species described, only the few black and white photographs don't make to realize of the beauty of Grosphus, Tityobuthus or other Microcharmus..


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